What We Believe


We enthusiastically affirm the World Evangelical Alliance statement of faith. We are convinced that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone, so we are committed to helping Muslims see who he is and what he has done (Rom 10:9-10).


We know that no one can call on Jesus unless he has heard about him and understood why he alone is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6; Rom 10:14-15). So our heart is to make plain the nature and work of Jesus. The Bible alone is our true guide to understand and know Jesus, so it is on the Bible that we have built the animated series and all other videos and materials.

We also know that it is important that we speak the language of those who are lost so that they are able to understand. This is why the videos are in Syrian Arabic, a widely understood dialect throughout the Arab world. It is also why we use some Islamic phrases and expressions. We want the characters to be authentic and realistic. We also want biblical concepts to be understood. This is best done when we are able to use words and phrases commonly understood and known.

The Quran is used occasionally, not as equal to the Bible, but as a bridge to the word of God. It is quoted four times to point to the authority and infallibility of the Bible in order to help our viewers have confidence in the reliability of the Bible. We intentionally don’t mention Mohammad in the series because we want to focus on Jesus and his uniqueness as our God and Savior.

In the series we also seek to model a DNA of discipleship that will (we hope) lead new believers to share freely and boldly with their families and communities. We hope to help people believe that they too are able to start simple and reproducible small groups of Bible study.

We don’t use words like ‘Christian’ or ‘Evangelical’ in the script, seeking to avoid labels that can be easily misunderstood. However, we do talk about submitting to Jesus as Savior and King as well as baptism. Labels can turn people away or draw them in, depending on the associations they carry or even on the motives of the viewers. We want people to see and experience Jesus Christ as he is, not as they have always understood him to be, nor as he might seem if he is wrapped in foreign (i.e. Western) words.