Over four and a half years ago one of our team, Daoud, met Suhaib*. From the first encounter it was clear God was on his case. After getting permission from his father to read the holy books, they sat down and did discovery Bible studies working from creation to Christ. To cut a long story short, Suhaib committed his life to Christ, got baptised, and has been growing, albeit slowly, in Christ.
During his walk with Jesus he’s had two miraculous dreams. The second was just after he was baptised. Having never read a story about Jesus on the Sea of Galilee he had the dream mentioned above. It’s clear the Lord wants to use him to be a fisher of men.
We’ve been praying for years for fellowship for him, but it’s been hard for him to find fellowship for various reasons (ministry in the Middle East always throws up challenges!).
Both the promise from the dream, and our prayers have been waiting to be answered, until recently. Daoud got a whatsapp message from Suhaib saying he’s found someone who’s ‘become like him’ and they’re now meeting up regularly to read the stories from the Bible.
Please pray that this would just be the start of new fellowship for Suhaib. Pray for fruitfulness for the two of them. Pray that they’d be able to reach out to their families and friends with the love of Christ.